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Anchor 3


“Great stories happen to those who can tell them.”

Ira Glass

ROOM 7540 is a home for storytellers - journalists, writers, programme makers, animators, graphics artists -  the sort of people who always seek surprise and adventure in the midst of the seemingly mundane.


Fuelled by curiosity, story mining is our trade, and with golden nuggets of information we'll carve out engaging narratives that win over opponents and inspire enthusiasm, loyalty and advocacy.


Good stories should be shared, so that's what we do.


We share them with readers, listeners and viewers via traditional media or on digital platforms, whether via distribution partners, social media or owned websites.


And we love it when our friends too share these stories, with their own friends, who will pass them on to others. It was always thus with great stories; they were always shared. Only these days, we say they're going viral.



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